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برنامج محاكاة الأمم المتحدة لمدرسة الشهيد محمد كارا اصلان الدولية

العالم لنا لنغيره
من 9 إلى 12 مايو 2024     

مؤتمرنا هو المؤتمر الذي يسلط الضوء على قائمة أهدافك لعام 2024 نحن في انتظارك


Letter of the Secretary-General

Honourable Participants,

As your Secretary General, I extend on the behalf our team greetings to our

2024 Model United Nations conference. Words cannot describe how much dedication we put towards a project that has a global impact, as well as a noble mission. Our diplomatic conference is created for 8 billion souls. Some of these souls are found in refugee camps; some of these souls in genocide conditions, facing severe humanitarian crises; and various others bearing worldwide met issues. However, throughout them also stands the youth — the one that holds the power of future change. Our mission, therefore, is to be creating one of the big events that will guide the youth towards global humanitarian influence. 

Our Model UN propelled after the date of 7th of October 2023. As students

from around the globe, we were deeply affected by the atrocities happening against innocent civilians in Gaza. Recognizing the limitations of the United Nations in halting these violations of international law, we realized that the responsibility fell to the world's leaders. This issue transcends national boundaries and religious affiliations; it's about our common humanity. Unfortunately, we often find ourselves dissatisfied with actual governments and their current oppositions. We lack representatives who truly voice our opinions in parliaments. Therefore, we reached two conclusions: 
1. The voices of civilians worldwide must reach decision-makers to effect

2. Global harmony rests heavily on the shoulders of world leaders.

Our 6 committees featured in 3 different languages are designed to address these conclusions. We are left with the only decision there is: to become the change we want to see in our Parliaments. 195 countries standing for one humanity.

This is the reason behind the theme offered to this conference: “Where all nations become one”. The place where we are not only holding speeches, however putting the right intentions towards impact.


For a better future. For a better humanity.

Karima Sochirca

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